Thursday, November 29, 2007




Pakistan suffers from a number of ailments. Musharraf bashing is in nowadays and it is fashionable to criticize the military. It is a different matter that the very people who are criticizing the military will literally crawl if they are given and offered a position in the government. This is one of the major causes of our ailments.

Hypocrisy is now ingrained in our blood and SAFMA is another living example of this. It is led by a so-called communist who is presently surviving on charity money doled out by imperialist powers. This very person now lives in fancy hotels in South Asia where sometimes his room rental alone sometimes cost as much as 500 to 700 dollars. This is a reflection of the donor apathy as well but this is a different story. What is sad is that an organization in the name of Indo-Pakistan amity is being given millions of dollars and it goes without saying that a substantial amount of this money is being pocketed.

The fact that SAFMA may also be supported by intelligence agencies of various countries cannot be ruled out. Regardless of these dubious credentials, one would surely like to ask as to what SAFMA has been able to achieve since its existence. It has absolutely nothing to show for its existence, except for one conference after another at fancy locations.

The sooner this farce comes to an end the better it will be for all concerned. The folks who are pocketing its proceeds led by Imtiaz Alam who looks more like a villain from a comedy than president of a south asian outfit may resent such a closure but it would do good to the people who are opposed to corruption. Honests of the World! Unite.

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