Thursday, December 6, 2007

A Reader Sends this Comment to Alaiwah

"it's moral, ethical and social masturbation by an upper-middle that is hoping to convince itself it is relevant and doing the right thing""
Empty rhetoric and statements can circulate around online hundreds of times without making an ounce of difference. The people we need to reach are separated from us by communication barriers and a class wall MOST of the protesters these 'petitions' are reaching can barely hope to chip away at." .the best you can do is try and maintain moral integrity through protests
Musharraf, interestingly enough, is referred to as a Machiavellian prince in the article under question. Though undoubtedly addicted to power, discretion, sneakiness and tact do not define him. More than anything, he strikes me as a man who's lost his mind and is clinging onto power for dear life. The feasible democratic alternatives we have and their political tactics strike me as far more Machiavellian
i can't believe they compare Musharraf to a Machiavellian prince brushing off a book on political philosophy when it doesn't even apply, the democratic political parties are what are Machiavellian in nature"
That being said, it IS a moral imperative to protest Musharraf's rule if you feel it is the right thing to do. However, it's also necessary to look at ourselves, then at our country, and see what bastard spawn we really are in relation to our fellow common man. Translating and communicating the spirit of this 'revolution' is a feat that just might be something beyond us"

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