Friday, November 23, 2007

Pakistan's Suu Kyi and Nelson Mandela Endup in London

Asma Jahangir, Chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, which wants Musharraf to leave his office in the name of democracy as there should be a regular change of leadership, has ended up in London. Are you surprised?

She spent a couple of days at her house in Lahore which went by the name of house arrest. It was more a PR show than anything else, and it stinked. Emails were sent to Who's who of the world and the civil society sent thousands of emails to each other asking Pakistan's military dictators to release her from this misery: she had to go to London. She had never stayed so long at one stretch in Pakistan in ages now.

She is now back in London with her neurotic sister and the two of them will now work whole-heartedly for the restoration of democracy in Pakistan!

Some things in our country will never change and one of them is hypocrisy.

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